Erotic Fiction and Kinky Reads

I began this journey as a simple sex blogger. Writing my own sexual experiences and fantasies was all I wanted.

Until people told me how much they liked what they were reading.

After nearly a year, I decided to pursue a life-long dream as a writer.

I’m a BDSM erotic author, self-published (for now) with books on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and more. You can see my books by clicking this link ====> Kayla Lords, Author

At the same time, I love to promote my fellow erotic authors. Whether it’s through Shameless Promotions or reviews of BDSM erotica, I’m happy to share new authors and new books with my readers. Authors, if you’re interested, click this link to learn how to request a Shameless Promotion (<==== click that link). If you write BDSM erotica, contact me (kaylalords at gmail) directly to discuss a possible review.

Happy reading, y’all! I hope your next book steams up your e-reader or melts your clothes right off of you. Rawr.

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