And I mean that in the best possible way!
It’s Christmas time and if you’re reading this on Christmas Eve, I’m running around like a crazy woman cleaning my house, doing laundry, and baking four different types of cookies for Christmas day. If it’s Christmas Day, I’m either delighting in my children’s love of Christmas or eating my weight in Christmas cookies. If it’s the day after? I’m trapped in a car with Daddy (which isn’t being trapped at all) and BOTH boy children (which is being trapped, I’m gonna need liquor) as we drive for 10 hours to see my mom for a few days. OMG.
So, I don’t feel like writing kinky fuckery for Christmas (I’m not creative enough as a writer to do the themed stuff) and I won’t sell you anything at Christmas because we’re all equally broke at this time of year. Instead, I’ll share with you my philosophy on all the different ways of celebrating this time of year…
And if you don’t identify with any particular religion (like me), say whatever the hell you feel like!
So, with that in mind, Merry Fucking Christmas – I adore all of you. Whatever you celebrate, however you celebrate it, I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season. And if not, if you need a friend, I’m here…you’re not alone, I promise.

My thoughts exactly. We’re not religious in our house either, but we love this holiday because it’s family time and we get to share the love (in a none pervy way) with family, friends and neighbours. Plus it’s a good time to reflect on how much good stuff we’ve got going on in our lives. So Merry fuckin Christmas to you too, FG!! (PS You’re one of the things I’m thankful for this year. So consider yourself sprinkled in fairy dust and happy kisses!) R
Awww, Rebecca, you are too kind. You had it within you all along (look at all you’ve done in a short time!) – I might have just added a little push. ((HUGS))
Merry fuckin’ Christmas!! 🙂
It was more like a leg up and a gentle push lol!
Merry Happy Joyous Whatever The Hell You Want It To Be Day! Much love from my house to yours,
Annie B
Right back at ya!
I absolutely adore the picture in your post. It’s so true and it takes nothing to say something kind to someone else.
Enjoy your Christmas time, luv, even being ‘trapped’ in the car and visiting your mother. I’m sure you will have fun!
And to quote you: Merry Fucking Christmas 🙂
Rebel xox
Merry fucking Christmas to you!! 🙂
Merry Christmas! According to Mynx, eggnog with peppermint schnapps is THE drink of choice for the season, so get a Tervis out and fill ‘ER up for the ride! John Brownstone-you get coffee 🙂
Yes, he gets coffee…mmmm, peppermint schnapps… Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Merry Christmas!!
Merry fucking Christmas to you too! And I hope the booze are plentiful and buzzy for your trip! XoXoX
I hope so, too! Merry fucking Christmas!!
I Could Not Agree More! Merry Christmas and HO HO HO!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Fucking Bacchanalia and Happy Solstice! Thank you, Kayla, and may all the best come to you and yours. 🙂
Happy Solstice and merry fucking Bacchanalia to you, too!! 😀
Merry F-ing Christmas, to all of you.
hugs from PP