Holy hell, y’all. The end of June is almost here, and I feel like I’ve done a blogging marathon. I guess I have. Spanking A to Z is 26 posts, a marathon is 26.2 miles…close enough.
Okay, so today is typically when I share some subby, BDSM-y goodness with you. And I’m freaking exhausted. Instead, let’s just chill today and jam out to music that, at least in part, hits me right in the kinky heart (both good and bad, lol).
Disclaimer: Not all lyrics apply to all situations. Terms and conditions apply. No refunds or exchanges. (Okay, I might have lost my mind.)
Hey Mama – David Guetta, featuring Nikki Minah, Bebe Rexha, and Afrojack
Ex’s and Oh’s – Elle King
girl, you deserve a break for a day. You worked hard
I took a break for the entire weekend. Naps, laziness, and movies…I barely moved from the couch. It was glorious!