Image via Pixabay
The rain beats a tempo against my window.
I match the rhythm against my clit.
The wind howls,
Whipping through the branches.
I howl,
Thrashing against pillows and sheets.
The deluge fades
Into the background, having worn itself out.
My cries become
Moans and whimpers, the urgency fading.
I touch myself
In time with the rain.
Welcome to Masturbation Monday! When the weather is dreary, it may be the perfect time for a quick wank. Need something more than this little tease? You know where to go…
That was sexy and evocative – reading it gave me a little throb, imagining how it would feel! Thanks for creating this poem & sharing.
Awww, thanks!
I am not a fan of the rain but this might persuade me otherwise on the subject
On a quiet, rainy day, it might be what you need to distract you. 😉