
No Panties

I wore no panties today.

It felt delicious to be that free and unencumbered. Yes, of course, I wore pants – shorts to be more accurate. But beneath them, I wore nothing else. The feel of fabric rubbing against my skin, against my most sensitive parts intoxicated me. I imagined someone, anyone, looking at me and guessing my secret. The idea of that thrilled me. I almost wished I was brave enough to wear a skirt.

He always laughs when I tell Him that I’m not wearing any panties – calls me His slut. Today, though, because of life, I purposefully didn’t tell Him. He had something very important to do, and while He absolutely made time for me, I refused to be a distraction. (I can hear Him now, telling me that I’m in no way a distraction.)

Ironically, even though I never told Him, I felt closer to Him.

Before Him, I would have imagined spending a day sans panties, but I never would have done it. It would have seemed too extreme, too much, too sexual. The truth is that I am extremely sexual, and there is no shame in that. It would have been different if I walked outside my house naked – that might raise eyebrows.

Today was my own delicious secret, inspired by Him and what He’s done for me in a few short months.  Tomorrow will be three months since our first conversation, two months since we first laid eyes on each other. Such a brief amount of time, and yet I can’t imagine a time before Him anymore.

Well, that’s not completely accurate. I can picture life before Him, and I just shake my head – at myself. I put up with bullshit from men who never deserved my attention, let alone my time, all because I thought that was all I was worth. How quickly I’ve learned otherwise.

In the middle of His very important day (one that I am glad He had), He called me. I never expected it, and I figured He wouldn’t.  Pleasantly surprised to hear His voice, it made me think of the stark contrasts between Him and those who came before Him. There is no comparison.

I used to say that I never trusted anyone – with good reason. Before Him, they talked good game and never delivered. Him, oh Him, I trust completely. I trust that He will tell me the truth – good or bad. I trust that He will sugarcoat nothing – because that serves no purpose. I trust that He thinks about me even when we can’t be together – because He randomly calls, texts, whatever, when any sane person would understand if He didn’t. I trust that He cares because He remembers the mundane details of my life – no other man has ever remembered or cared about the mundane details of my life…ever.

He worries that I put Him on a pedestal and that He can’t live up to what I’ve built in my mind. I don’t imagine Him with superpowers. And there have been times when I haven’t agreed with Him. Sometimes I say, “Yes, Sir” simply because it’s easier than starting a fruitless argument that He’ll win anyway because He’s Sir.

There are times when I know my advice would be “right” but I know He won’t listen. Hell, He tells me He won’t listen. I get frustrated sometimes. I want to shake Him sometimes (not that I’d ever be that stupid).

But I know what He is…a man, a good man, a Dominant man…and for as long as He’ll have me, my man.

About the author

Kayla Lords

I am a sex blogger, podcaster, freelance writer, international speaker, kink educator, and all-around kinky woman. You can find me online sharing my innermost sexual thoughts and experiences, teaching other bloggers how to make money writing about sex, and helping kinksters have happy healthy BDSM relationships. I'm also a masochistic babygirl submissive with an amazing and sadistic Daddy Dom and business partner, John Brownstone. Welcome to my kinky corner of the internet!


  • Kayla,
    No panties is wonderful. A skirt and no panties is stupendous! You feel so sensual, sexual and yet no one knows but you and your sir ( in my case) or who you choose to tell! The thought of “if they only knew” is thrilling! Try a skirt next time! (;

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